What is the foreign technical intern training system?

The foreign technical intern training system aims to transfer skills, technology, knowledge, etc. to developing countries in order to promote harmonious development with the international community while Japan plays a role as a developed country. The aim is to cooperate with “Human resource development” responsible for the economic development of developing countries. The main goal is to contribute internationally, and trainees are not considered as a mere supplement to the labor force.
This is a system for technical intern trainees to acquire skills and skills that are difficult to acquire in their own country during the training period, and to contribute to the economic development of their home country after returning to Japan. It is an initiative that contributes to “human resource development” that is responsible for the economic development of developing countries.
In addition, receiving companies can be expected that they will bring efficiency and consolidation of relations with foreign companies, as well as make internationalization and flexibility within the company.
It is a system that can contribute not only to the developing countries in Asia but also to the development of Japan.


A. Sending Agency

The agency that sends technical intern trainees is licensed by the government of each country. Its main functions are selection and recruitment of trainees, education about language, culture, and lifestyle in Japan.
※Our association has signed a contract with the sending organizations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of the Philippines.

B. Supervising organization

In group supervision type acceptance, technical intern training is conducted under the supervision and guidance of the supervising organization. A supervising organization is an organization that does not aim for profit and supervises activities to acquire the skills of technical intern trainees, and corresponds to an organization that meets the group requirements and is permitted.

C. Accepting company

An individual or corporation that conducts technical intern training based on a technical intern training plan that has been certified as appropriate by the Organization for Technical Intern Training for Foreigners. (OTIT)

Advantages of being an excellent intern-receiving company

・The training period can be extended
・The number of people accepted can be expanded

第1号(1年間) 第2号
(2年間) 優良基準適合者
基本人数枠 第1号



実習実施者の常勤職員数 技能実習生の人数
301人以上 常勤職員数の20分の1 基本人数枠の2倍 基本人数枠の2倍 基本人数枠の4倍 基本人数枠の6倍
201人~300人 15人
101人~200人 10人
51人~100人 6人
41人~50人 5人
31人~40人 4人
30人以下 3人

The role of supervising organization in technical intern training system

There are two ways to accept foreign technical intern trainees, “company-only type” and “group supervision type”. If you want to accept as a group supervision type, you need to be supervised by a supervising organization that has been approved by the Minister of administration in advance.
The supervising organization shall direct the planning of the internship, conduct training after entry, deal with the sending organization, direct the visit and periodically inspect the agency receiving the technical intern. It plays a role of supervising the proper implementation so that the technical intern program is properly implemented to meet the purpose of the technical intern training system.

What is the role of the Frontier Japan Association (supervising organization)?

As an excellent supervising organization for technical intern trainees, we support the trainees so that they can carry out technical intern training with peace of mind from before the interview to the end of their term of office until they return to Japan. In addition, it is our role to help the practitioners to provide an environment where they can properly carry out technical intern training by supporting them so that they can be welcomed without anxiety.
【Our association’s support】
・Conducting inspection once every three months for intern-receiving agency
・Visiting the intern-receiving agency (including inspections) once a month.
・Guidance on the application for a license of skill status.
・After entering the country, immediately implement the 1 month post-entry training program (Japanese, knowledge about life in Japan in general, immigration law, information necessary for legal protection of technical intern trainees such as labor standards.)
・Support for trainees from before entering Japan to returning to home country (consultation regarding acceptance of trainees, support for preparing application documents)
・Allocation of native language staff as a consultation system to protect and support technical intern trainees (Philippines, Vietnam)
・Educational support for proficiency tests and qualification tests
・Educational support for improving Japanese language ability
・Create a bridge between the intern-receiving agency and the technical intern
・Apprentice comprehensive insurance procedure, insurance claim work